Membership Set-up
Our members can access and update their information through our dedicated members-only portal. Through this portal, members can create online bookings and manage their details.
We know that setting up your member portal can sometimes be a little tricky, so we’ve put together some handy step-by-step guides below.
We want to make this process as simple as possible for you, so if you are struggling, please get in touch at and we will do our very best to help.
Step-by-step guides
Linking memberships

Read the following guide if you’ve managed to set up your members portal, but are struggling to link your account with your friends or family members who also have memberships.
Booking member tickets

This guide explains how to book tickets through the members portal. You can also access the members tickets page here.
Logging in to the members portal

Find out how and where to log in to the members portal, once you have created your account.
Finding your membership PDF

This guide explains how to download your membership PDF. You can then use your PDF to receive your in-park discount.