
Our Green Credentials
This year, Blair Drummond Safari park is making a commitment to become more sustainable than ever. We want to improve the way we manage our site in order to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.
We are focusing on six main areas:

1. Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- We are reducing our carbon emissions by using a biomass boiler to heat our elephant, rhino, giraffe, zebra and ostrich houses.
- We are reducing our energy consumption by installing energy efficient LED lighting, and automatic light on/off systems.
- We have installed more charging points for electric vehicles.
- We are monitoring our carbon emissions.

2. Water conservation
- We are reducing the amount of water we use by collecting rainwater to supply our toilet blocks instead of mains water.
- We are maintaining water quality by ensuring that fats/oils are disposed of correctly, and nothing is flushed apart from toilet paper.
- We are using reed beds as an eco-friendly wastewater treatment.

3. Improving waste management
- We currently recycle over 6 different waste streams including cardboard, plastic, oil and batteries.
- We are reducing the amount of single use items used on site, and aiming to find compostable/reusable alternatives.
- We are reducing the amount of food waste produced in the park.

4. Encouraging biodiversity on site
- We are creating safe spaces for local wildlife on site with woodland areas, ponds, and bird and squirrel boxes.
- We actively manage and plant to maintain and encourage biodiversity on site.
5. Sustainable procurement
- We are promoting Fairtrade, local and seasonal products in our shops and cafes.
- We have created a green purchasing policy, and are making every effort to find products that are sustainably and responsibly produced.

6. Improving awareness of sustainability
- We have formed a Green Team made up of staff members from all departments within the park.
- We are keeping our staff informed about green issues in our weekly staff update.
- We are communicating with our visitors about our green actions.
- We are part of the Green Tourism Business Scheme.
Responsible Visitor Charter
As a responsible visitor, we would ask you to please consider the following ways you can help to reduce your impact on the environment:
- Shop Locally – Buy local products, they are a great way to support local communities. This also reduces the impact of transport on the environment. Our menus contain local, sustainable and ethical produce; why not eat from one of our tempting food outlets.
- Reduce emissions – Please don’t leave your car idling whilst in the reserves. If you have stopped to enjoy looking at one of our beautiful animals, please switch your engine off.
- Conserve water – when using toilet facilities, please use water wisely and remember not to leave taps running. Try to bring reusable water bottles with you, rather than buying single use items. Our water refill point is situated in our playpark.
- Leave the car at home – whenever possible we would encourage visitors to leave their cars behind and walk, cycle, use public transport or any other environmentally friendly form of transport.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle – when buying goods, try to avoid overly packaged items and say no to a carrier bag if you don’t need it. Recycle any waste you have at the designated recycling points across the park. Try to bring reusable water bottles instead of buying single use items.
- Respect nature – Help us to look after our landscape and wildlife by not littering. Instead, deposit all waste in bins, or at the recycling points provided. Guard against fire and use foot paths responsibly.
- Support Green Tourism Businesses – There are hundreds of businesses trying to reduce their environmental impacts through the Green Tourism Business Scheme. See for more information.