In the news

Dive into the Fun at California Cove
Did you know that Tuesday was World Sea Lion Day? Well, here at Blair Drummond, we believe that one day just isn’t enough to honour these charismatic creatures of the […]

Say hello to the world’s cutest lambs!
On Wednesday the 29th of March, our Valais Blacknose sheep Gabi gave birth to two adorable lambs. The gorgeous new arrivals have been named Killian and Kasper by their keepers, […]

Our first 2023 babies have been born!
Our first babies of 2023 have entered the world and they are the cutest little things ever! The tiny pygmy goat boys were born to mum Betsy on the 25th […]

Sad loss of UK’s oldest giraffe
We are saddened to share the news that Keisha, our beloved giraffe, and the oldest giraffe in the UK, was peacefully put to sleep yesterday afternoon. Keisha was 24 years […]

New sea lion Luce joins the gang
We’re delighted to welcome a new addition to California Cove. We introduced Luce (pronounced Lucy) to our resident sea lions on the 30th of November. Five-year old Luce joined us […]

Little Louis
Last month, we welcomed a delightful new addition to our Pets Farm gang – Louis the Shetland pony. This handsome little guy is a beautiful reddish-brown colour and has a […]

Weigh Day for Morag
Six weeks ago, Morag the Southern white rhino calf was born! Our adorable new arrival was born on the 17th of October at around 11.30am to parents Dot and Graham, […]

Welcome to the world Morag
On Friday the 21st of October, we asked our Facebook followers to help us name our newest southern white rhino calf. Members of the public were asked to vote for […]

Say hello to our (not-so-little) bundle of joy
We’re so delighted to announce that Dot, one of our beloved southern white rhinos, has just given birth to her sixth calf – a beautiful baby girl. Our adorable new […]

Hidden Disabilities
We are proud to have recently become part of the Hidden Disabilities scheme. This scheme is designed as a way for people to discreetly signal that they may need support, […]